Pork chop with parmesan mashed potatoes, tomatoes and spinach

When I lived with my siblings in my parent's compact city flat, we had a range of cook books stored in our small kitchen. I found this recipe from an Italian cookbook. The original recipe used basil instead of spinach, but I like the taste of spinach more for this dish. I've also added some parmesan cheese to the mashed potatoes. This is one of my favourite dinner recipes. It is simple and easy to make. This recipe will feed 2 people.

Two pork chops

Two potatoes - peeled and cut to big chunks
Three regular tomatoes - chopped
Two handfuls of baby spinach

Three cloves of garlic
One handful of shredded parmesan cheese

Two table spoon of butter
Olive oil


Cooking method
Heat a good splash of olive oil in pan on medium heat, cook the pork chops until they are browned and cooked thoroughly. 

While waiting for the pork chops to cook, boil water in a pot, add a sprinkle of salt to the water, stir, and boil the potatoes for 15 minutes, or until the potatoes are cooked. You'll be able to pierce the potatoes with a fork without difficulty when they are cooked. 

Set cooked pork chops aside. In the same pan, heat a splash of oil, cook garlic until fragrant (don't burn the garlic, keep the heat to medium),  add tomatoes, and leave to cook until the tomatoes disintegrate. Add spinach and cook until it has wilted. Season with salt and pepper. Put the pork chops back in the pan, and cover the meat with tomatoes and spinach. Cook for another five minutes.

Drain the cooked potatoes, put them back in the pot, and mash the potatoes. While the mashed potatoes are still hot, add butter and parmesan cheese, season with salt and pepper and mix well. 

Serving: On a clean plate, put half of the mashed potatoes on the centre of the plate, add pork chop on top and then top with a generous amount of the tomatoes, spinach and sauce. Repeat plating for the second plate.
