Lazy Chocolate Tart

My Lazy Chocolate Tart

 Chocolate Tart Served With Whipped Cream & Strawberries

I love chocolate desserts. I find chocolate bars un-bearingly sweet but I crave chocolate desserts such as chocolate mousse, chocolate eclairs, chocolate cake, you name it.

I have been wanting to make chocolate tart for ages, however the recipes I found are quite intimidating for a beginner cook/baker like me. For instance, Jamie Oliver and Donna Hay chocolate tart recipes require for us to make our own short crust pastry, flour, egg and all. The chocolate filling requires many eggs, 4-7! I only have 5 eggs this morning and I used 2 to make quiche for my son's lunch box.

I had a thought about just using frozen short crust pastry sheets, and sadly a few weeks ago my frozen pastries expired. Fortunately today I have new frozen short crust pastry sheets, chocolate, butter and eggs. I thought to myself, I'll just wing it and go ahead and make my tart.

I only used one egg, about a quarter of dark chocolate bar (for baking), same size butter as the chocolates, and frozen short crust pastry.

Luckily, it went well. Definitely edible. Therefore if you're lazy like me but you really feel like eating a chocolate tart. You can give my recipe a try. Good luck! and enjoy.

Em's Lazy Chocolate Tart
Feeds six people

1 frozen shortcrust pastry sheet, thawed

1 egg
1 table spoon of caster sugar
1/4 block of dark cooking chocolate, cut to small pieces (it is worth it to buy a more expensive, luxurious dark chocolate as this is the main flavour of the tart. I got bored with Cadbury)
Butter, same size as the chocolates

1 tart mould, 9 inch diameter
Baking Paper
Baking Beads/beans
1 glass bowl for melting chocolate & butter
1 large bowl for whisking egg and sugar
1 large pot of boiling water (1/2 filled)

1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees celsius. Spray the tart mould well with canola oil spay or grease with olive oil. Press down the shortcrust pastry to the mould, place baking paper on top and baking beads. Bake pastry for 20 minutes. Set pastry aside and lower the oven temperature to 130 degrees celsius.

2. Place the chocolate and butter in the glass bowl, place on top of the pot (make sure the water doesn't touch the bottom of the bowl), slowly melt chocolate and butter until well combined

3. Whisk egg and sugar until frothy

4. Slowly mix the chocolate mixture, bit by bit to the frothy egg mixture.

5. Pour the chocolate egg mixture in the middle of the tart base, spread evenly on top.

6. Bake the chocolate tart in the oven, 130 degrees celsius, for another 20 minutes.

7. The tart should be ready now, enjoy! You can eat it as is, or serve with anything you like. The strawberries and cream worked well to cut the sweetness/richness of the chocolate.

If you try this recipe, please don't forget to tag me on instagram #whatemcooked or leave me a comment/message.
