Visit my new blog at

I've moved my blog to mainly because I'd like my recipes to be printed as a recipe card on one page and blog spot at this stage doesn't have this functionality. If you decide to try any of my recipes, please leave a comment or message me as I'd love to hear from you.

I started this old blog seven years ago mostly because I was inspired by the movie Julie & Julia and also because I was passionate to learn to cook. Back then this blog became my personal cooking diary. Blogging is a great way to remind myself which recipes I tried and by typing the recipes I used I was able to quickly acquire this information from my blog. In 2012, I gave birth to my first son and I had to face the challenge of being a new mom.  I stopped blogging then but I've been cooking every day of my life.

A few years ago, while holding my sleeping second born and with my younger sister's persuasion, I started uploading my food photos to Instagram  I enjoyed the community aspect of Instagram, and I decided to start blogging again to share my experience cooking my own (my family's) recipes and also recipes from other sources such as the Internet & my favourite cook books.
