Broccoli with garlic and oyster sauce

I really like the sweet taste of green broccoli, especially when it's stir fried in garlic. This simple stir fry dish is quick and simply delicious.

Broccoli - click here to learn how to prepare a broccoli

Garlic - mince
Oyster sauce - two table spoon
water - a quarter cup

A pan with lid

Cooking method
Heat oil in pan on medium heat,  stir fry garlic until it's fragrant, put in the broccoli. Mix the broccoli, oil and garlic thoroughly, add water, and close the pan with a lid. Steam for 1 minute. Open the lid, put the oyster sauce in and mix thoroughly, close the pan with a lid and steam for another 2 to 3 minutes until the broccoli is cooked. 

The broccoli is cooked when you can stick a fork easily through the thick stalk. It is important not to over-cook the broccoli; an overcooked broccoli turns dark green in colour. It is better to undercook than overcook so remember to check the pan frequently.

When cooked, transfer to a serving dish and serve with rice.
