Mie Goreng Panjang Umur (Indo-Chinese 'Long Life' Fried Noodles)

Indi-Chinese Birthday Fried Noodles

It is customary to serve fried noodles and red coloured eggs at birthday parties in Indonesia amongst the Chinese Indonesians as a symbol of good luck and long life (presented by the lengthy noodles and the (lucky) red coloured eggs (new life)). I decided to make this dish for my son's 1st birthday celebration with the family which is also coincidentally my father in law's birthday. I had fun learning how to colour the quail eggs and trying new recipe ideas for fried noodles. I cooked this dish to feed 12 people! That's a lot of noodles and we have a big container of left overs. 

I always loved eating birthday fried noodles at parties. I had an old photo of a birthday celebration at my old house in Jakarta, Indonesia. In this photo (see below) you can see the typical dishes served by my mom when we have birthdays, which includes red coloured eggs, birthday cake, fresh fruits, etc. I wanted to continue this tradition so I decided to make some fried noodles for my son.

I had fun learning how to colour the quail eggs red.

Clockwise: Me, my youngest brother, my mom and my sister
I read a few recipes posted by Indonesian moms. Here is my adaptation of the recipe which will feed 3-4 people.

  • A packet of egg noodles (feed 3-4 people)
  • A bunch of choy sum - washed well and cut to 5 cm lengths
  • 2 eggs, mixed well in a bowl
  • 250 grams of diced chicken, marinate with a bit of salt and a table spoon of corn starch for at least an hour
  • 1 large shallot, minced
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • Sweet Soy Sauce (Kecap Manis - Bangao Brand if available)
  • Oyster Sauce
  •  Sesame Oil
  • 6 quail eggs - hard boiled and dipped in the cool water, peeled, set aside in a bowl
  • 1/4 cup Vinegar
  • 3 Drops of Red Food Colouring

Prepare the coloured quail eggs first: 
  1. Prepare 2 bowls. In bowl no. 1 Pour about 1/4 cup of vinegar and drop a few drops of red food colouring & mix well, in bowl no. 2 fresh water. 
  2. Using a spoon (always use a spoon if not your fingers will turn red, I learned the hard way) transfer the hard boiled quail eggs into the red vinegar bowl, leave the eggs for a few seconds and turn it around, leave for a few seconds. Transfer the coloured eggs into the bowl with fresh water. 
  3. You can re-colour the coloured eggs by continuing step no. 2 until the eggs reach the desired colour shade.

Cook the fried noodles:
  1. Cook Egg Noodles until half way cooked (refer to the packet instruction), set aside in a bowl. Mix noodles with a dash of sweet soy sauce and sesame oil.
2. In a big wok on high heat, heat a good amount of oil (I use olive oil).  Cook the diced chicken until cooked.
3. Add minced shallot and garlic cook and toss briefly until fragrant.
4. Add egg and continue cooking and stirring until well cooked scrambled egg is formed.
5. Add choy sum and a splash of water, close the wok with a lid and leave for a few minutes until choy sum is cooked.
6. Add the half cooked noodle and mix all the ingredients well.
7. Add a splash of sweet soy sauce and oyster sauce. Mix ingredients well so that the sauces are well distributed.
8. Serve the fried noodles in a big bowl and place the red quail eggs around the noodle to create a frame

I love eating this fried noodles with chilly sauce and fried shallots. If you do make this fried noodle I hope the birthday boy/girl will have a very lucky year ahead.
