My Super Easy Scones

We enjoy having scones with whipped cream and jam for afternoon tea in the weekends

I decided to try making scones a long time ago when my then 2 year old son, who was a very picky eater, gobbled up my friend's home made scones. I found a recipe from Grandma's Best Recipes by Love Food, one of my favourite cook books, but I have tweaked the recipe so that it is super simple and quick to make.

I'm happy that the past few times I've made scones this way it was a success. All scones were gobbled up with whipped cream and jam or Nutella in half an hour post oven.

If you do try this recipe I'd love to hear how you go.

This recipe is so simple, only four ingredients, and you don't even need a wooden spoon to mix your dough just your clean hands.

My Super Easy Scones
This Recipe Will Make Six Scones
Prep Time 10 minutes Baking Time 12 minutes 

Super Easy Scones

Only FOUR Ingredients:

All you need is, your clean hands, plain flour, baking powder, full cream milk and spreadable butter.

  1. One Cup Of Plain Flour
  2. One Teaspoon Of Baking Powder
  3. Five Teaspoons Of Spreadable Butter
  4. Keep A Bottle / Glass Of Full Cream Milk To Use

1. Line baking paper on a baking tray, preheat the fan forced oven to 160 degrees. Prepare a floured surface, I just use a large cutting board and flour the surface.

2. In a large bowl, mix the plain flour and baking powder.

3. Add spreadable butter and with your hands, mix with the dry ingredients well, until the mixture is crumbly.

4. Add a small amount of milk (a small splash), and mix all ingredients well in your hand to form a soft dry dough. Be careful not to add too much milk as if the dough is too wet, adding extra flour will make the scones dry. 

5. if the dough is not mixed or still crumbly and dry, add a little amount of milk until it forms a soft dough. It should not be wet or sticky. If it is wet and sticky you can add a bit more flour but your scones might become dry.

6. Flatten the dough with the palm of your hand on the floured surface until it has an even thickness of 1.5 cm.  Cut scones with circle cutter, I use cutters that are 6 cm in diameter. Combine left over dough, flatten and cut again until all the dough is used.


7. Lay the circular doughs on the baking tray.

8. Instead of using a brush to brush the milk on top of each scones, I just use the tea spoon I was using earlier. Pour one tea spoon of milk on top of a scone dough and spread the milk around with the back of the spoon.

9. Bake the scones for 12 minutes.

10. The scones are ready. Enjoy with whipped cream (thick cream that has been whipped, you can also use store bought whipped cream) and strawberry jam or Nutella. Enjoy.
