Sour Cream Lemon Bundt Cake

Sour Cream Lemon Bundt Cake

I have been seeing a lot of beautiful Bundt Cakes on Instagram by some of my favourite instragrammers.  I have to mention Betty Binon's Stems and Forks and @lily.mulyani, you should really check their pages out. They're unbelievably talented and they create the most beautiful cakes every single time.

I was shopping at our local supermarket (Coles) and saw this beautiful Pink Bundt Cake Mould for $15 and immediately bought it.

I wanted to make a lemon cake for my dad in law's birthday because he likes lemon cakes. I bought sour cream thinking that it might be easier to bake lemon muffins because I've already made it before (see my previous post on lemon muffins). I looked on the internet and found this great recipe of a Sour Cream Lemon Bundt cake from and decided to give it a try.

Recipe here:

Thankfully my first bundt cake experience turned out well. I greased and floured the mould very well and the cake came out easily.

I love the batter consistency it's so smooth

It came out perfect!

My mother in law brought a family favourite pavlova which outshone this cake so sadly it wasn't eaten much at the gathering but I gave my father in law half of this cake and slowly devoured it myself for tea in the next few days. The cake is moist and delicious. Thank you Spruce for the recipe.
