My Truffle Journey

Fettucini With Black Truffle

No Reservations (originally Mostly Martha) is one of my favourite movies to watch. In the movie, the main character, Kate, who is a great chef, adored truffles and there were a few scenes where truffles were showcased. I never knew about truffle before watching this movie and since then I've always been curious about this expensive ingredient.
Image result for no reservations

Image result for no reservations
A 'No Reservations' Scene With Truffles

I tried a pizza with truffle oil at a restaurant but disliked the scent. However I did not give up. I'm so glad that my sister persuaded me to join instagram earlier this year as I stumbled on an instragram post about the Truffle Festival which was held in Queen Victoria Market, Melbourne city. I immediately organised a weekend in the city with my husband, my two boys and my brother. I was craving to taste raw truffles.

The Truffle Festival was smaller in scale than I expected but I got to try some grated fresh truffle from Piper and Co Food Company and I was so surprised that the grated fresh truffle, my first ever taste of truffle, tasted like raw mushroom. It tasted of subtle, simple, raw mushroom. I bought some Truffle butter from another stall and I enjoyed cooking with it very much until it lasted only two days.
Truffle Butter From Black Cat Truffles

With the truffle butter I made:

Scrambled Egg With Truffle Butter

Scallops & Prawns Spaghetti With Truffle Butter

Both truffle butter dishes were excellent.

Yesterday, I went to the Italian Wine and Food festival. I haven't been out much since I gave birth to my eldest son in 2012. It was a mixture of being new to parenting and a challenging child. My youngest boy is turning one in a few days but I decided to go to this festival with my old friends. I have always been wanting to visit Italy. I fell in love with Tuscany in movies and photos, and I adore the concept of Italian living, "La Dolce Far Niente", the art of doing nothing.

I was glad to find out that Truffle Traders Stall was selling Raw Truffles Per Gram. Although their smallest truffle which I bought was still expensive. Truffle is in fact one of the most expensive food in the world. This smallest piece of truffle is from Tasmania.

Tasmanian Black Truffle From Truffle Traders
A friend of mine told me to use the truffle immediately so I decided to make a truffle dish for lunch today, which is simple fettucini with black truffle. With only four ingredients it is one of the simplest dish we can make, and a way to enjoy truffle. I enjoyed the dish but to be honest, I will buy truffle butter in the future over raw truffles. When the truffles are incorporated into product such as butter and cheese, the taste of truffle shines more. However, this is just my humble opinion.

Fetuccini With Black Truffle


  1. Fettucini (Instant or Fresh) - cook following package instruction 
  2. A good amount of Butter
  3. A good amount of Parmesan Cheese, grated
  4. A small amount of fresh black truffle

Four Ingredients


Cook Fettucini following the packaging instruction.

Heat Butter in a pan, add parmesan cheese and fettucini, mix well and serve fettucini in a bowl.

Thinly slice black truffle on top of the fettucini. Enjoy.
