Em's Pancakes

Pancakes for Christmas Breakfast

I love making my own pancake batter. It tastes so much better than instant mix pancakes. I've cooked this recipe at least once a week for the past two years, usually in the weekends, which means that it's pretty full proof if you follow the instructions. I enjoy pancakes with many different toppings, our family favourite toppings are whipped cream & strawberry jam and nutella. Most mornings my sons eat the pancakes plain without additional toppings with a glass of warm milk. If you give this recipe a try I'd love to find out how you go.

Pancakes with Nutella, Peanut Butter and Banana Flowers


Pancakes with Whipped Cream, Strawberry Jam and Fresh Strawberries


Pancakes with Mangoes, Vanilla Ice Cream and Maple Syrup

This recipe will make about 7 regular size pancakes.

  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup self raising flour
  • 1 tea spoon of baking powder
  • 4 tea spoons of caster sugar
  • Match box size butter (melted)
  • Full cream milk as needed
Pancake Batter Ingredients


1. Put in the flour, baking powder and caster sugar in a large bowl and mix dry ingredients well with a spoon. Make a well in the middle of the flour mixture and break the egg in the well followed by a little amount of milk. Using a whisker, whisk the egg mixture outwards until it forms a paste.

2. Add the melted butter and gradually add a little bit more milk. Keep mixing until the mixture is smooth and thick as thickened cream.

3. Heat up a non-stick pan on LOW HEAT. It is very important that you keep the heat very low, trust me, if the heat is high the pancake will get burnt.  Although this takes longer remember Patience Is A Virtue. Pour a little olive oil on the pan and spread oil on the pan with paper towel. 

4. Using a large soup spoon, pour the pancake batter in the pan and let it cook until you can see bubbles forming on the top. When you see the bubbles, flip the pancake and let the other side cook for a short while until both sides are cooked. Set the pancake aside on a plate and continue with the rest of the batter.

5. Serve pancakes with your favourite toppings. Whipped cream & jam, nutella, maple syrup and fruits (strawberries, blueberries, bananas, etc.).

Fruit Salad Layered Pancakes
