Lemon Tart

Lemon Tart And Garden Harvest (Lemons & Purple Roses)

We have a lemon tree in our backyard. When we moved to our current house five years ago the poor lemon tree didn't bear any fruits at all due to pests. Since then my dad in law trimmed all the infected branches and I gave the tree some citrus fertiliser a few years back. I'm glad that the tree has recovered and this year it has given us many lemons. More than I can ever imagine. Thank you lemon tree!

Our Lemon Tree

I have been researching on what I can do with our lemons. In the past we have been using them as our cold remedy, just in honey lemon drink. Citrus harvest season is in winter and we get sick a lot during this time. So far I've used our lemons in my Melting Moments Icing and Lemon Muffins. Then my father in law mentioned that he loves lemon tart and I like the sound of making a lemon tart. 

It was a very challenging week for my husband and I as our boys fell very sick with cold and ear infection. Making a lemon tart was almost impossible. Then I found out that I didn't have a flan pan, so I went to buy a wrong pan from the shops. I managed to use the time when my baby was napping poorly to start making this lemon tart (finally!). I'm glad I managed to make it as it was one of the few things that made me happy this week. Previously I've lost my appetite as I've been cooking soups and rice porridges to much. As I'm typing this I've eaten my fourth slice of lemon tart with a dollop of cream. Yummy... I'm so happy. 

The recipe for this tart is from taste.com.au. We don't need to bake this tart, it just needs to set in the fridge after the lemon curd has been cooked on the stove.

Lemon Tart Slice And Garden Harvest (Lemons & Purple Roses)
