Rice noodles with slow cooker chicken broth

Rice noodles with slow cooker chicken broth, chicken, hard boiled egg & baby bok choy

This is just one of my easy meals. It's simple: Let the slow cooker (I have a Buffalo slow cooker with timer) cook a rich broth for us, boil the other ingredients and we have a nutritious meal. 
Rice noodles in home made chicken soup recipe by me:

  • 4 Chicken legs skinless on the bones
  • 1 onion peeled
  • Rice noodles
  • Baby bok choy washed and chopped
  • Hard boiled eggs peeled and cut to half
  • Soy sauce
  • Sesame oil 
  • Sesame seeds for garnish (optional)

  1. Place chicken legs, onion in the slow cooker and cover with water. Set the slow cooker to cook for a few hours on soup settings. In a few hours, chicken should be cooked, meat is easily separated from the bones and the broth is ready. You can season the broth with salt if you wish but I am leaving this unseasoned for the baby.
  2. Boil the rice noodle and baby bok choy until cooked
  3. In a soup bowl, splash some soy sauce and sesame oil, mix in rice noodles, place chicken meat, baby bok choy and egg on top. Pour in chicken broth. Sprinkle sesame seed and serve. Enjoy!
