Creamy Tuna Pasta

Creamy Tuna Pasta

Believe it or not I have never made Tuna pasta before because my oldest was a picky eater. Over Christmas holiday my sister in law made tuna pasta and to my surprise both my boys ate without complaining. I decided to make tuna pasta today and developed this recipe. This dish went down well with my boys (and I). Tuna is a good source of Omega 3 & protein so I'm happy that I can add this dish to our family meals.

I bought some new pots and pans (Baccarat Granite Series) and the sales person told me not to cook using Olive Oil as this can cause cancer to my horror! and damage the non-stick materials. I've been using Canola Oil these days.

Creamy Tuna Pasta
This recipe will feed 2 adults

- 2 cups of Fusili pasta (or your choice of pasta), cook according the instruction on the packaging
- 1 regular can of tuna in olive oil (I choose the Serena brand)
- 1 corn cob, peeled, washed and trim the corn kernels
- 1 cup of tiny broccoli florets
- 1 cup of thick cream
- 1/2 cup of grated parmesan cheese
- 2 table spoon of mayonnaise
- 3 cloves of garlic, minced

- Canola Oil
- Salt

1. Cook the pasta of your choice in a pot of boiling water (sprinkle of salt and a bit of olive oil added) following the instruction on the packaging.  
2. Heat a non stick pan on medium heat, add a splash of canola oil. When the oil is heated, add minced garlic and tuna. Stir well and break tuna chunks into small pieces. 
3. Add broccoli and corn kernels, stir until the broccoli and corn kernels are cooked.
4. Add cream and mayonnaise. Stir and wait until the cream mixture is heated. Add parmesan cheese and stir well until well combined. Add a bit of salt. Taste Test: If you like a bit more sweetness, add more mayonnaise, if you like it to be more cheesy, add more parmesan cheese.
5. Add the pasta in the tuna cream sauce and stir well. Enjoy your meal.
