Two Tray Baking: Chicken Nibbles & Root Vegetable Chips

Baked Chicken & Vegetables With Aoli & Sweet Chilli Sauce

Two Tray Baking: Chicken Nibbles, Corn Cobs, Root Vegetable Chips
I made up this easy lunch and I'm glad my family enjoyed this simple meal. I love the simplicity of seasoning meat & vegetables, and then just letting them bake in the oven. I love my oven! Growing up in Indonesia we didn't even have an oven. The weather is always hot and humid in Indonesia, so it is not uncommon for a house to not have an oven. Most Indonesian food can be cooked using the stove, cakes are fried and steamed. I discovered the oven when I studied in Melbourne, Australia in 16 years ago and now I couldn't imagine life without one. 

Two Tray Baking: Chicken Nibbles, Corn Cobs & Root Vegetable Chips 
This recipe will feed Two People


Chicken Marinate
- Mixture of Chicken Wings & Chicken Drumettes (8-10 pieces)
- A table spoon of Garlic Salt
- Olive Oil

Corn Cobs Parcel
- Two Corn Cobs
- Aluminium Foil
- A few knobs of butter
- Olive Oil

Root Vegetables
- 1 Carrots, washed, peeled and cut into wedges
- 1 Sweet Potato, washed cut into wedges
- 1 Potatoes, washed, peeled and cut into wedges
- Olive Oil
- A table spoon of garlic salt
- Rosemary leaves from a sprig chopped finely

- Green Beans, ends trimmed, boiled for 5 minutes

1. Heat up the oven to 180 degrees celsius fan forced.

2. Line two large baking trays with aluminium foil (for easy cleaning). 

3.  Marinate chicken pieces with garlic salt and olive oil for at least half an hour.

4. On a large piece of aluminium foil, place corn cobs, butter and a splash of olive oil on the centre and wrap the foil. You can place the corn cob on either tray.

5.  Mix/marinate the root vegetables well with olive oil, garlic salt and rosemary.  Spread the root vegetables on the other baking tray in one layer. 

6.  Spread the chicken pieces on one baking tray.

I added a few knobs of butter. Although this made the chicken and veggies flavourful,
they were also very oily so I decided to ommit the butter from this recipe.

7. Bake both trays for 15 minutes. Set the timer and when 15 minutes is up, bring the tray out and flip the chicken & root vegetables. Increase oven heat to 200 degrees celsius, and put both baking tray back in the oven and bake for another 20 minutes. Your cooked chicken and root vegetables will look like this.

8. Serve chicken, root vegetables & green with your favourite sauce. I love mayonnaise (aioli) with sweet chilly sauce. Enjoy your meal. Bon Appetite!
